A new way to use Cabinet Design
Cabinets today aren’t what they were in the past. It’s 2019 and we’re mixing materials, creating new color choices, and redesigning the way you think about storage. Cabinets have always been a means of storage, but now they’re a design element. We’re taking the traditional model and turning it on its side.
When you’re designing a home, we can help you create a new design focus and give people something exciting to look at.
1.Seated Cabinets
Create an inviting seating area, just by adding cabinets. The design works great in any room and gives storage without jeopardizing useable space. Have a small living room or study, but love the feel of the room itself? Create a reading nook and fill it with the books that you love most. Always wanted a closet that felt more like a dressing room? Give it a boutique vibe and have a place with just the right amount of room to put together an outfit from the accessories to the shoes.
2. Topless Cabinets
Sometimes you feel like a prisoner to space where you have to choose between decor or usability. You want to make the most out of that quaint kitchen nook, but between the table and chairs, storage seems out of the question. Trade in those chairs for bench seating. Go one step farther and turn those benches into chests to hold whatever you need! Customize the cushions and pillows to reflect whatever your personal style is. When you’re ready to switch them out, put them in the storage space underneath.
Who doesn’t love a well-crafted home bar to serve all your craft cocktails when entertaining guests? Yes, you can create an entire bar in even the smallest spaces. We’ll help you design a walk-under space that connects your mixings to your glassware, getting rid of the dated bar cart forever.
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