How to choose a Kitchen Floor

Home Blog Some households are tougher on their floors than others. Learn about the different types available and determine what flooring best suits your needs before you remodel. You scoot chairs across them. Kids play on them. Family pets sprawl out on them. No doubt about it, kitchen floors take a beating. That’s why it’s … Read more

What’s The Best Wood For Cabinetry

Home Blog The best wood for cabinetry is widely considered either red oak, poplar, maple, mahogany, or plywood.  Which solid wood type is best for a specific project depends on budget, if the cabinetry will be painted, and personal preference. Everyone wants to know that the home improvements they’re making are durable and add real value to the property.  So what is … Read more


Home Blog Something you can’t ignore in a kitchen is lighting, put as more lighting as possible, you can always turn it off if it’s too bright but to begin with too dim and not have an option for brightness is not a good option at all. So first is natural light and it can … Read more


Home Blog Taking measurements of a kitchen is as easy as 1.2.3 first draw your Kitchen Shape, showing all the walls that you think will have cabinets. Be sure to include any major structural features or obstacles. Next Measure the window from casing edge to casing edge also measure any appliances or fixtures that won’t … Read more

Kitchen Floors

Home Blog One of the first decisions you have to make to match and enhance the looks of your kitchen, choice of the floor is a key decision to make when trying to create a balanced space.So let’s start something traditional and that would be the wood surfaces, hardwood throughout is common in the real … Read more